your voice & accountable
It should be easier for you to hold your leaders accountable and get involved in local government.
Our elections should maximize your voice and create candidates that better reflect your priorities.
Championing your voice & accountable government.
It should be easier for you to hold your leaders accountable and get involved in local government.
Our elections should maximize your voice and create candidates that better reflect your priorities.

About me.
I’m a community advocate, a young professional, and a long-time supporter of efforts to build an accountable government where people are empowered to take action.
As a member of the County’s Child & Family Well-Being Task Force, I’ve advocated for policies that make it easier for families to get involved in their government and pushed for greater transparency on taxpayer-funded programs like the Healthy Children’s Fund. On the Whatcom Democrats’ executive board, I worked to educate people about our local government and campaigned for progressive leaders who championed sensible public policy.
I’ve heard hundreds of community members say they don’t trust our government or won’t vote because they think their voice doesn’t matter. These problems don’t have easy solutions. I want to give our leaders and citizens better tools to solve them.
As your charter review commissioner, I will work with others to:
- Create elections that maximize your voice and let you choose from candidates that better reflect what you care about.
- Support policy that makes it easier for citizens to get involved in their government and hold their leaders accountable.
- Give elected leaders the tools to be more effective stewards of our shared resources and taxes.

About me.
I’m a community advocate, a young professional, and a long-time supporter of efforts to build an accountable government where people are empowered to take action.
As a member of the County’s Child & Family Well-Being Task Force, I’ve advocated for policies that make it easier for families to get involved in their government and pushed for greater transparency on taxpayer-funded programs like the Healthy Children’s Fund. On the Whatcom Democrats’ executive board, I worked to educate people about our local government and campaigned for progressive leaders who championed sensible public policy.
I’ve heard hundreds of community members say they don’t trust our government or won’t vote because they think their voice doesn’t matter. These problems don’t have easy solutions. I want to give our leaders and citizens better tools to solve them.
As your charter review commissioner, I will work with others to:
- Create elections that maximize your voice and let you choose from candidates that better reflect what you care about.
- Support policy that makes it easier for citizens to get involved in their government and hold their leaders accountable.
- Give elected leaders the tools to be more effective stewards of our shared resources and taxes.

What is the Charter Review Commission Anyway?
Every ten years, a group of elected commissioners from across the Whatcom County meet to recommend changes to the Whatcom County Charter. The charter is the County’s constitution and dictates everything from how elections are run to how the government makes its budget. The recommendations made by the Charter Review Commission will appear on the 2025 ballot for voters to approve.